Families have many different needs during this time. Below are a few resources we recommend.

Tepeyac Family Center
OB/GYN perinatal hospice care

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
remembrance photography

Noah’s Children
pediatric palliative and hospice care

A M.O.M.S. Peace
ministry for mothers of miscarried and stillborn souls

American Association of Pro-Life OB/GYNs
pro-life physicians

Project Rachel
post-abortion healing
Richmond: 804-704-0429
Northern Virginia: 703-841-2504

Perinatal Hospice
informational resource

National Catholic Bioethics Center
ethics resources and consultations

Tammy Ruiz Zeigler
perinatal resource coordinator

Gabriel Project
help for pregnant women

Diocese of Richmond
Center for Marriage, Family, and Life