Elizabeth Bodoh

Unfortunately, many doctors frequently recommend abortion when an unborn baby is given a poor prenatal diagnosis. Attorney Andrew Bodoh explains that this oftentimes occurs because they are trying to manage risk and avoid litigation.

As a father of a child that received a prenatal diagnosis, however, Andrew asserts this is not the right course of action. His daughter, Elizabeth, was diagnosed with bilateral schizencephaly at 22 weeks gestation. Abortion was recommended “in words so gentle my wife did not immediately realize they were recommending abortion.”

They refused, and Elizabeth has continued to be a great blessing to them. Says Andrew:

She has low vision, serious developmental delays, ongoing seizures — and a smile that lights up the world.

I do not know what life will hold for Elizabeth. I know she has taught me more about love than some people learn in a lifetime. I hope for the best.

Read more here.

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